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How We Help PDF Print E-mail

Christ Cares for Princeton is here to help with specific benevolent needs of those living within the boundaries served by the Princeton Independent School District.  That means our assistance reaches out to people living in an area nearly sixty-four square miles in size. We are unable to help those living outside this service area. Additionally, we are only able to supplement the resources a family may already have in providing their own needs.

We seek to help families or individuals with three primary needs:

  • FOOD,

FOOD Families may apply to receive food assistance through the local food pantry once a month up to four times per year.    Through the generous donations of our local churches, businesses, organizations, and residents, we offer non-perishable staple food items that can be used to cook wholesome, nutritious meals for the entire family.  Families also may benefit monthly  by our partnership with the North Texas Food Bank and receive fresh fruits and vegetables and bakery items.   The food pantry is open to Princeton residents only.

LIMITED PRESCRIPTION ASSISTANCE Individuals may apply to receive limited help for prescription medications they would have difficulty purchasing on their own.  A variety of medications are offered through local retailers on a discount program such as Walmart's  Prescription program. Any prescription that can be filled through a retailer's generic program will not qualify for assistance through Christ Cares for Princeton.  Any prescription assistance given must be filled at The Princeton Pharmacy located here in Princeton.  We are unable to fill prescriptions at other locations.  To apply, you will need to know the name of the medication, its strength and dosage, and cost at The Princeton Pharmacy.

AUTO FUEL You may also request assistance to purchase fuel for your automobile for specific transportation needs.  We only consider requests to help you transport yourself or family members living in your residence to a scheduled doctors appointment or job interview.  Any request must provide detailed information concerning the appointment (a doctor visit or job interview).  The appointment must be verifiable by providing appropriate contact information.  A job interview is a potential employer calling you to attend an interview for a specific job for which you have already applied.  Driving around to look for jobs is NOT considered a job interview.

Download an application for assistance.